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Drafting an Employee Contract

In this article:

    Getting started with adding new employees and drafting their contracts in HRManager is simple and efficient. This guide will walk you through each step to ensure you set up employee records correctly and generate compliant contracts with ease.

    Creating an Employee Record

    To begin, log into your HRManager account and follow these steps:

    • Click on the Quick Add button.
    • Choose New Employee to open a blank employee record.
    • Fill in the personal details such as name, contact information, and any other relevant fields. The required fields to create an employee contract are marked with an orange contract icon.
    • Click Save to create the employee record.

    Tip: Adding an email address (preferably a work email) and selecting Employee Dashboard allows you to assign paperless contracts directly to the employee.

    single help image 1
    Employee record in HRManager.

    Drafting an Employee Contract

    Once the personal details are entered, you can move on to drafting their contract by filling out the remaining tabs:

    • Ensure you complete all the required fields marked with the orange contract icon.
    • If you’d like to assign a paperless contract, ensure the employee has an email address linked and select Employee Dashboard.
    • Click Save or Skip to proceed to the next tab.
    • Once all the statutory details have been entered you can select View Contract, this a basic employee contract.
    • Additional clauses can be added/edited by selecting the Additional Contract Clauses.

    Important: The View Contract button will only become active once all statutory details are provided.

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    A basic contract drafted on HRManager.

    Reviewing, Assigning, and Managing Contracts

    After completing the contract details:

    • Click View Contract to preview the document.
    • Review all information carefully to ensure accuracy.
    • Click Assign Contract if the employee has access to the dashboard, or choose to sign manually.
    • Once assigned, the contract status will update to show whether it’s signed or pending.
    • After the employee signs the contract, both you and the employee can view the signed document within HRManager.
    single help image 1
    The employee contract assignment status.

    Watch Our Video Guide

    Prefer a visual walkthrough? Check out our quick video guide to help you get set up with HRManager. It covers the key steps to get your account up and running smoothly.

    That’s it! You’ve now set up an employee and drafted their contract in HRManager. Stay tuned for more guides to help you make the most of HRManager.

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